A Christmas Message from Di Fernandez, IVCF National Director
After nearly two years of pandemic restrictions, the urge to have family reunions and meet up with friends is especially strong this Christmas season. Even though we’ve had a bit more gatherings this year than last, still there is a feeling that Christmas is not the usual merry one we’ve come to expect.
But the Bible stories thankfully remind us that Christmas is not about merry-making, but about wonder, worship, and witness.
Mary had a lot to deal with from the angel’s first announcement and then to the visit of the shepherds. Yet, even though she was troubled by the angel’s words, Mary believed that God’s salvation was at hand and she – of all people! – had been favored to play a role in it. She treasured these mysteries in her heart and pondered over them. (Luke 2:19) Then we have the Magi who had been watching out for the birth of one ‘born king of the Jews.’ They searched for Him in order to worship Him. (Luke 2:2) The shepherds also sought out the baby Jesus after the angel told them that that day a Savior had been born to them. After seeing the baby Jesus, they spread the word that he was the promised Messiah. They were the first witnesses to Jesus, the Savior of the world.
These characters – a poor teenage girl, foreigners, and lowly shepherds – did not miss the coming of the Savior. They remind us that Christmas is not about our external circumstances or our expectation that good things need to happen to us to have a meaningful Christmas. It’s about what we treasure in our hearts like Mary. It’s about seeking and worshipping the King like the Magi. And it’s about our willingness to interrupt our daily occupations to investigate what God is doing in our midst.
We in IVCF pray that this Christmas you will be filled with wonder at what God has done and that it leads you to worship Jesus and witness for Him.
“Glory to God in the highest heaven and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests.”
KENNY D. EBO Communications Staff IVCF Philippines kenny.ebo@ivcfphil.org