BOT Chair Dr. George Capaque Promoted to Glory

Dear IVCF Community and Partners,

“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” (PhiIippians 1:21)

Our IVCF Board Chair, Dr. George Capaque, was called home to our Lord on May 29,2024 at 9:40 am. He passed away peacefully, as he had wished, in their home, surrounded by his family. He was laid to rest on June 2, 2024 by his family and the various communities that he served with – IVCF, Asian Theological Seminary, Center for Community Transformation, Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture, Bread From Heaven Christian Fellowship, and Family Christian Fellowship.

His passing is a great loss to us and to generations of IVCF staff, from the earlier ones who knew him as co-staff and General Secretary and to the latter ones who knew him as kuya, mentor, and Chair of the IVCF Board.

He was IVCF General-Secretary from 1984-1992, board member from 2006-2009 and 2019-2024, and Board Chair from 2007-2009 and 2021-2024.

Kuya George, as we fondly call him, served as a Bible Expositor in many IVCF camps and conferences for students, graduates, and even for our partners like Balikatan. He didn’t need to shout from the pulpit, but his faithful preaching penetrated hearts and minds. His calm and wise leadership on the IVCF Board helped stabilize IVCF, especially during the pandemic years. Even when he was ill, he wanted to live because he still wanted to serve the Lord. Yet, he also lovingly longed to be with the Lord Jesus. Indeed, for Kuya George to live is Christ and to die is gain.

We grieve deeply because Kuya George enriched our lives and gave so much of himself to IVCF. We remember him with much joy and gratefulness to the Lord.

Pray with us for God’s comforting presence to strengthen his wife, Ate Dawn, their children, Roana and her husband Joshua, Nathanael and his wife Vrenelli, Regine, and their grandchildren, Timothy, Elle, Ella, and Jacinto. Pray, too, for his siblings as they would miss him as their kind and caring brother.

When Kuya George became ill, he took a leave as Chair of the IVCF Board and the Vice-Chair, Dr. Ramon Tecson, Jr., assumed his responsibilities starting February 29, 2024. He continues to do so until the election of board members during tthe Corporation Meeting on August 24, 2024.

In His Service,

Di Riel-Fernandez

National Director, IVCF


Dear IVCF Community and Partners,

Greetings in the name of Christ!

I wanted to take a moment to address the recent loss of our beloved BOT Chair, Kuya George Capaque. In the midst of our sorrow, let us find solace in the timeless truths of Scripture. Deuteronomy 31:8 reminds us that God goes before us, never leaving nor forsaking us. Hebrews 13:5 reaffirms His constant presence and faithfulness.

As we mourn, let us also celebrate Kuya George’s legacy and commit to continuing the work he offered to the Lord. Let us pray for unity as we seek God’s will for IVCF’s future, knowing that He will lead us forward.

Change may bring challenges, but it also presents new opportunities. Let us hold onto hope, trusting in God’s good plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11). Remember, our identity is eternally rooted in God, not in our leadership. Let us honor Kuya George’s memory by serving with integrity, compassion, and unwavering faith.

In light of this, I kindly request that you join me in offering prayers for the bereaved family of Kuya George. Let us lift them up in our thoughts and ask for God’s comfort and strength to be with them during this difficult time.

May the peace of God be with us all.

In His Service,

Ramon A. Tecson Jr.

Acting Chairman of the Board of Trustees, IVCF



By Herman Moldez

A dear colleague in ministry and companion in spiritual journey has gone ahead to enter the passage to eternity. For many years we served together in IVCF. George Capaque served under my leadership as IVCF General Secretary and when he succeeded me, I served under his able leadership.

I was reading and listening to the many recollections said about his life and leadership. His former IVCF students traveled in time to recall his impact on their ministry and spirituality. The friends he shared life with remembered his anecdotal statements. IVCF staff talked about his calm presence. Many of us recalled his strength of character, friendship with Jesus, and humility to serve away from the limelight of popularity.

What I heard was not so much about the leadership tasks he performed, which are many, but more of the way his life deeply touched individual students and graduates, colleagues and comrades in the ministry. The legacy he left is not among the thousands he spoke to but the spiritual shape of individual lives he served and shared his life with. We remembered his ministry touch through his calm presence in crisis, deep biblical perspective to illumine decision, personal visit to encourage a student leader, spending spiritual conversation of loving God with a friend. Many have testified the impact of his quiet and deep devotion to Jesus Christ he was so excited to meet face to face which is now fulfilled.

It is common to focus on the tasks of doing great things for God. Leaders who perform big tasks wow the crowd. However, the faithful life of walking one’s talk and leadership to care for the ordinary people is usually unnoticed by the adoring crowd. George chose a different path to teach faithfully and quietly to touch people’s hearts to transform lives.

George is a deep Bible expositor. He always connects to the reality of life to make the message relevant. Many of us who heard him expound sat still to think as the message traveled from head to heart. Many theologians are good at explaining the Bible. George strived to help us experience the truth; not just to stimulate our head but to stir our hearts to linger in the presence of God.

I will remember George Capaque as a faithful fellow servant of God who deeply touched my heart and many hearts. He performed great tasks with unquestionable integrity. The way he touched my heart was an outflow of his intimacy with God. He served my heart from a heart nurtured in prayer, meditation on the Scriptures, and theological reflection on burning issues of life in our days.

There are many leaders who are good at their tasks to build megachurches and big organizations. George served in a small church to touch people’s hearts. Indeed, rare are servants of the Lord who, like George, touch a person’s heart to become the dwelling place of God.

Goodbye George. Say hi to Gwen, Manong Ephraim, Kuya Em, and Manong Bel. What a lovely gang you make there sharing your hearts in the presence of God.



Tribute by Josil Gonzales at the Wake Service

Una ko pong nakilala si George noong siya ay naging General-Secretary ng Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship noong 1984-1992.

During that time, we were only polite acquaintances. Kasi mukhang seryoso siya. Then we became involved in a study group with Kuya Herman and other Dugong IVs. It was a short-lived study group.

But that study group bore fruit – George and I became prayer partners. This was in early 1999. That’s when I started to know him more up close and personal. Hindi pala siya seryoso. Siya ay MASYADONG seryoso. This must be the reason why we became good friends. Sabi ni Nor, kung si George ay masyadong seryoso, ako naman daw ay super seryoso.

By the way, like George and Dawn, Nor and I are happily married. George and I are happy; while Dawn and Nor are married.

For our prayer partnership, we would meet twice a month for prayer and lunch together. We took turns in hosting – at my office at Open Doors or at his office at Asian Theological Seminary (ATS).

When he and Dawn moved to Singapore to serve as the Dean of Discipleship Training Center (DTC) we managed to continue our prayer partnership. We would meet at the Changi airport. I would have a long layover at Singapore on my way to Bhutan or Sri Lanka where I was assigned at that time as Country Director of Open Doors.

We stopped our prayer partnership in 2015 when Nor and I moved to Bangkok and settled there for four years. During the pandemic time, we met via Zoom once a month together with our spouses. Another couple joined us – Manny and Arlyn Gumapon, mga dugong IVs rin.

I praise God that he gave me George as a prayer partner 25 years ago. That was the time, too, that I started to have episodes of depression.

Our last meeting as prayer partners was on January 30. We met at Tim Horton’s near ATS. It was a fitting venue since he was in Vancouver, Canada for several years for his masteral studies. He shared with me a paradigm about discipleship that he has been introducing to his new church assignment, Bread from Heaven. He said there are Kairos moments in our lives. We need to observe (reflect the past), discuss (what is God saying to me), plan (what am I going to do about it) and act accordingly. He said that it is the disciples that make the church and not the church making disciples.

Tatlong characteristics ang hinahangaan ko kay George – pagkatakot sa Dios, pagmamahal sa Salita ng Diyos, at pag-ibig sa ating Inang Bayan.

Fear of God – George led a righteous life. Praise God at hindi po siya na-involve sa ano mang anomalya or indiscretions. Sad to say, marami po sa ating mga church leaders ay bumabagsak dyan.

Love for the Word of God – makikita po natin ito sa kanyang mga expository sermons. Well grounded po siya sa Scriptures and very relevant to our culture and times. He was able to mix scholarship with deep love and understanding of the Word. I hope somebody will make a compilation of these sermons. It will be a great gift to the Filipino church.

Love of country – siya po ay isang makabayan. Kinuha po ni George ang kanyang masteral studies sa Regent College sa Vancouver, Canada. Pagka graduate po niya may mga tempting offers sa Canada at US na mag pastor doon. Pinili po niyang bumalik sa Pilipinas. Hindi na po siyang nagdalawang isip.

We were privileged to attend George’s 70 th birthday celebration last February 11. It was a very joyous occasion. His youngest daughter Regine and his oldest apo, Timmy, gave a special number –“Let It Be” by the Beatles. According to Regine, his youngest daughter, this is one of his favorite songs.

You may wonder at the lyrics – “When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me…” Hindi po ito si Virgin Mary. Paul McCartney, who composed this song, is talking about his own mother who would give him advice from time to time.

Why “Let it Be”? It is more “Let God be”. He accepted what comes his way as coming from God – struggles, trails, frustrations, discouragements. Including his lung cancer and brain tumor.

A month after the joyous celebration, came the tragic news – he had lung cancer stage 4. Last April 20, I sent the following text message to George: “Good morning, kapatid. Kamusta ka na? Every meal time, Nor and I take time to pray for you. We have been doing this ever since we learned about your health challenge.”

He replied, “Good morning Josil and Nor. Starting yesterday I resolved to be like the child in Psalm 133. Not concerned with great and haughty things but to be calm and quieter before his mother. To be content with her presence and love. The last few weeks I’ve been struggling with God – asking him to just take me with Him. But then I realized what if God is still making me alive despite the pain and suffering. It is to enjoy Him and be content with him. Together with my loved ones and friends.”

I immediately replied, “Please don’t make that request again, kapatid. Maraming malulungkot! Tuloy ang laban! Sa tulong ng grasya ng Panginoon.”

“You always have been there for me during my times of depression. I will never forget that. You have been my lifeline. I hope to do the same with you.”

The last time Nor and I saw him was May 18 at Room 2099 at the National Kidney Transplant Institute. He was sleeping when we came in at 5:20 pm. And Dawn was happy to see us. After five minutes, he woke up and asked us, “Kanina pa kayo?” That was a good question. Why? It means that he had a good sleep since he didn’t wake up when we entered the room.

Dawn also told us that they thought he would be gone the previous night, May 17. He asked that all their three children be present in the room. And he gave his goodbye. They left for home past 1:00 am.

Then George told Nor and me about the need for discipleship in the church. Here he was in a very precarious health condition and yet he was still concerned about the need for discipleship.

His life can be summed up with the phrase – “A long obedience in the same direction.” This is also the title of the book by Eugene Peterson, which is one of his favorite authors. As you know, Peterson is the author of The Message, a best-selling paraphrased version of the Bible.

Peterson also said – “Friendship is an underestimated resource for spiritual life, every bit as significant as prayer and fasting.” Yung pakikipagkaibigan pala ay pwedeng maging lifeline to a deeper relationship with God.

Thank you George for your friendship and prayer partnership for the last two decades. You were there for me when I had my episodes of depression. You were not only my prayer partner but my counselor as well. Or perhaps even my psychiatrist. You became my lifeline to God and to my well-being.

I would like to end with a quote from CS Lewis – “Christians don’t say goodbye. They just say, ‘See you later.’“

George, see you later… but I hope not very soon.



Tribute by Di Fernandez at the Wake Service

Barely a month after returning from my 3-month sabbatical leave, I had to say goodbye to our board chair, Kuya George Capaque, who went home to the Lord on May 29. Though we are glad that he is now enjoying full and complete rest in the presence of God, our IVCF community grieves as we feel his absence here and now.

Kuya George was chair of the IVCF Board from August 2021, just eight months after I became the National Director.

He is – was – like a towering tree. He lent stability to IVCF with his steady, calm, and wise leadership. He kept IVCF rooted in God’s Word and faithful to our mission among students and graduates as we faced various challenges brought by the pandemic and otherwise.

To me, he was like a towering tree with long overarching branches, and I rested in the shade of those branches. As my board chair, he allowed me to lead freely, and I counted on him to guide me through difficult times. He met with me monthly and prayed for me. I was blessed to have had a board chair who knew the line between governance and management, who believed in IVCF’s younger leaders, and trusted the staff to know how to reach this generation of students.

He was like a tree that stood steadfast in the midst of a typhoon. Even when the matters brought to the board were seriously heartbreaking, he stayed calm, and led us to discern what was needed in keeping with the values of the Kingdom of God.

He once told me, after listening to me share about a particularly painful experience, ‘That is part of the travails of leadership.’ He didn’t say it to belittle my pain nor to make me feel heroic about enduring. He said it matter-of-factly. Kuya reminds me of what Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:5 “But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.” (NLT)

I will miss Kuya George’s wise and calm leadership very much. I will also miss his ‘chill’ whenever we had parts in IVCF events. During the last National Conference, there were a few times when we got our cues just minutes before going up the stage. He could’ve scolded us, but instead he rolled with the program and ad-libbed like he was given a script.

Kuya… 😢I thank God for you. I’m glad you are now free from pain and in the presence of the Lord Jesus whom you loved and served steadfastly.

You may share your memories of Kuya George in our memorial book here: