“I love the thrill that I feel when I get together with God’s wonderful people.”
Oh I can’t help myself but to sing this-song during Regional Assembly (RA). . It was indeed a wonderful sight to see children of God with sweet smiles in their faces. And it felt so good to be with my friends again. I really praise God for allowing me to join this year’s RA. It was my second time but it felt like as if it was my first time. The place was great, the people were great, and everything seems so perfect.
I came to this event with a hungry and thirsty heart. I longed to be filled and be inspired again by God. The very thing I was so excited about was the exposition. It’s been a while that I never heard of a quite good exposition and so I was really looking forward of hearing a good one. Amazingly, God did not fail me.
I was glad to know that our expositor, Kuya Elvin Mijares was a former IVCF staff and also became the National Director of IVCF Philippines. It was such an honor for me to meet and greet such a man of faith. I was happy and at the same time pressured during our small group discussion. Kuya Elvin was at the same Small Group where I was the leader. It was a great privilege for me. I was left amazed when I learned about his life story and how God transformed and used him. I was also blessed with our discussions and gained new learning that really encouraged me.
Furthermore, I was also blessed with what Kuya Darby has shared about his experience during the IFES World Assembly in Mexico. I learned that there are a lot of Christians struggling in other countries. Despite respective challenges, they still strive to live and share the Gospel. I love what Kuya Darby said, “Maybe we need more trial for us to be more active and eager to share the gospel”. Meanwhile, My favorite part of the RA was the separate session with Kuya Romy, “My work, My Mission”. I was all the more encouraged to excel in what I am and will be doing. It made me more excited to work in secular world where God will put me and see how He will use me to influence people for Him.
The very lesson that impacted me most and I want to keep is: “Jesus is the Lord of all creation and nature is under His authority. He deserves to be worshiped and He deserves our obedience”.
I was confronted with what Jesus asked Peter, as if He was asking me this, “Do you love me more than these?” It motivated me to move out from my comfort zone and be more willing to leave everything behind in order to follow Him wholeheartedly.
This RA has reminded me one important thing, God has already called me, elected me as His friend and will continue to equip me. Rest assured that whatever circumstances I will be, God is committed to take good care of me and He is always interceding with me.
(Written by: Ms. Josie Artos. A licensed professional, she finished BS Animal Science in MSU -Gen.Santos City last March 2015. She is a Kawayan Camp (KC) 2013 graduate and, currently, a volunteer Staff (Graduate Team Member) in General Santos City.)