Last June 15, 2015 was my second year being a field staff in Southern Mindanao Regional Unit, and it’s just by God’s grace alone that I stay in this service for the Lord through IVCF. For my two years as a staff, there are many experiences that are worth to thank for not just the good but the bad things as well. I learn to be more dependent to Him and more trusting to His unfailing promises. Perhaps God has taken me this far because He has more plans for my life. My two years of service are somehow full of failures because I’ve been to lots of complaints, doubts and questions that often begin with “Why…?”, but God is still gracious to me. I often question about the desperate situation of IVCF which also have us, the staff suffer delayed salary. As a financial supporter to my family, I need stable income to support their needs especially for my brother’s schooling . There were times that I could feel resigning from staffwork and better find greener pasture to address the needs of my family. But God knows my heart in the ministry. Seeing all these temporal needs could not replace the passion that I have right now for the ministry of the Lord. My passion and commitment to the Lord is heavier than the needs of my family. For the past months of delayed salary, He never leaves me, He provides all my needs. My brother is in his third year in college now and truly God provides despite the difficulty to give for his tuition fee, projects and every week allowances. These tempting needs become my burden and struggle as I follow and obey the Lord. However, these challenges lead me to know more of Him. With my questions and uncertainties, His words of assurance are always my comfort. I know He is gone ahead of me and no matter what happens He is my strong foundation. I am so much humbled before the Lord. For this recent academic school year, GOD IS FAITHFUL!

KC 2015 Testimony I don’t know where to start thanking God for enabling me in this camp. I am equipped and taught so much of servanthood. It was an awesome experience, though with me are personal struggles.The camp was very challenging and I am helped to grow in Him more. I’m so blessed to be part of this another batch of KC and most all to be part of the students’ journey. I found joy and strength while serving with my fellow staff, counselors and students despite our differences. I gained so much encouragement from the speakers and visitors I’ve met during this training with whom I also learned much about IVCF’s legacy. This camp helped me to press on and continue to share God’s story in the lives of the unbelievers especially in my ‘mission field’, the campuses, where God has entrusted to me. This challenge from the Lord keeps me holding and going toward the vision of proclaming His glory. The impact this camp has brought to the campers and counselors challenge me to do more for His glory and honor. I may not be perfect to obey the command of God yet I could perfectly see His gracious hands being extended to complete me with full confidence of the future grace. I’m sure that He is certainly pleased of the effort given for the expansion of His kingdom. These lessons inspire me most to continue my service for this camp beyond my imperfections and failures. God is worthy to be served through this life-changing camp. I am more excited to be part of more Kawayan Camps to come. To God be all the Glory!
- I praise God for protecting me always wherever I go and for the continuous (physical, emotional, intellectual, financial and spiritual) blessings.
- I praise God for the growing numbers of student-leaders and GT volunteers in my area.
- I praise and thank God last summer, it was a privilege to be part of KC2015. I learned and relearned much things about effective leadership.
- I praise God for the growing numbers of Counselors to continue volunteer and commit their time to ISCF ministry in Kapalong National High School, University of Mindanao-Highschool Dept.,and Tagum City Comprehensive National High School; and for this school year, KAO National High School.
Prayer Items:
- Please pray for the consistent discipline in every aspect of my life that I may become effective and efficient Staffworker in our region.
- Please pray for wisdom and strength as I accept new responsibilities that I should be dependent to Him and sensitive to his leading.
- Please pray for financial provision for my brother in his 3rd year college. Pray too for the salvation of my family.
- Please pray that I will live the character of Jesus Christ and continue to become a channel of His blessings to my family, studentleaders, co-staffworkers and friends.
- Please pray for wisdom and knowledge as I decide for crucial things. May the Lord be glorified whatever the decisions that I will make.