the new group of mobilized IVCFers (4 graduates, 3 students) who finished the Kairos (Missions) Course last July 14-19 @ Agayan’s residence in Kapalong. Four from the 7 participants proceeded with the Facilitators Training Course adding up to the 16 accredited Kairos Course facilitators in the region composing the SMRU-Missions team;
the class opening of the campuses under the shifted calendar this August; praise God for the opportunity to invite new contacts in IVCF;
the success of the 34th Regional Assembly last August 11 in Davao City attended by 67 students, graduates and staff. Praise God for the newly elected/re-elected members of the Regional Advisory Council. Pray that God may work in and through them in partnering with IVCF-SMRU in the expansion of God’s kingdom in the region.
Prayer Request
opportunities and strategies to engage new students. Pray for the re-accreditation of IVCF as a club in the colleges and universities of the shifted calendar and the scheduled freshmen treats this month;
the existing student-leaders to continually be stirred in their commitment to carry the Christian witness in their schools. Pray that they may be empowered to partner with the workers in reaching out to the students in their campuses;
the newly formed evangelistic groups and the continuing discipleship groups in the IV/IS campuses. Pray
that seekers be led in a personal faith in Jesus and the believers edified as growing disciples of Christ;
the Silingan Ministry. May our neighbors be blessed and discipled in this specialize ministry.
the graduates fellowships. That the graduates may find the time to gather in prayer and fellowship despite their busy schedules;
the staff workers and volunteers, that they may be fuelled with joy, strength, wisdom, and faithfulness in the ministry among the students and graduates of this region